Connecting local businesses, jobs and communities through digital.
Why create a digital community for your locals?
Localised accelerates small business discovery by connecting Local Business, Jobs and People through digital. Localised hubs are a local business and community discovery tool with features designed to help locals buy from, sell to, partner with and learn from each other.
We’ve been producing digital Business and Community Hubs, delivering our proven technology to a national audience of Local Council, Regional Development, Development Corporations, and Commercial Partners focused on Community Engagement.
- Develop a digital platform that builds visibility of the business community, curated from local businesses in your region
- Feature your branding on home page, fortnightly digests, and news articles within the platform
- Develop intrinsic data of engagement, and traffic generation of local business profiles
- Dedicate an alternative channel to communicate and market to your local businesses, assisting in Local Content Engagement
- Reinforce your reputation as a local business enabler in the eyes of the local business community.